Wednesday, July 04, 2007

On Madeliene L'Engle's works

You can only understand the nature of darkness

once you see the light

but once is not enough for one to remember.

the abyss:

there is always something darker and more base than darkness itself

but the opposite has a limit

I would rather explore that than never find answers to life's questions

For there are journeys that mean less than the goal

and chasing the shadows is one.

If I want to have a child

it is to share the beauty of M.L.'s thoughts with

and observe the innocent face light up with wisdom

that no great melancholy philosopher can teach

Even if I were to hold little faith in God

I still want to say

God bless you. May peace be with you.

May you learn the meaning of love.

'I think, therefore I am' is losing force

Even if are souls are contentious

I pity those who are born with the inability to feel.


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