Thursday, June 16, 2005

Je suis canon

I’m taking swimming now. Believe the swimming teacher flirted with me a little. He had been my swimming teacher for that level three years ago and he’s still there, looking gorgeous with his dark hair and stunning figure. Let’s call him Mr. T. He seems to get along very well with his colleagues, he makes the females laugh and the males listen. Well, last time he flunked me, so here I am again, looking gorgeous in my neon green (yucky color) conservative swimsuit, at least four years older than the oldest student of the class.
He started instructing the class and then excused himself for incoherence, looking especially at me (and people! I was not hallucinating! I mean, yeah, sometimes I hallucinate and imagine a cutie is looking my way when he only has his head turned in my general direction and is admiring, say, the ass of the middle-aged instructor in front of me. But not this time.) and saying “I’m a little distracted. ” Smiling his winning smile. I gave him a tight-lipped grin (because man, I was freezing) and gave a polite murmur (just like those Victorian age ladies in the books, must give response, even if it’s a meaningless one). He asked me if I should be in this class (since I’m evidently older) and I wanted to tell him “Hello? You FLUNKED ME!” but said yes and emitted another polite inaudible murmur. He then asked the class if he had demonstrated a certain swimming move and I said no, he looked at me again and teased “Are you sure?” or something to that extent, I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying because I was preoccupied at that point with his preoccupation of me, which was, honest told, rather distracting. I said no, you didn’t go in the water and flashed my adorable pearly whites at him, which must have looked gruesome since it was a cross between a grimace and an attempt at charm, owing to the lovely temperature.
I think some men just find it a habit to flirt, even if it’s with the closest female well into puberty who happened to be his ugly duckling student with a bad case of acne and athlete’s foot three years ago but now has turned into this striking female…
As I was saying – no, I wasn’t attracted to him, but his physique is rather lovely and his charisma strong. I don’t suppose I’m allowed to put his picture here, as it would require permission (though I have a picture of us standing on the side of the pool three years ago, me looking considerably awkward in a black bikini type swimsuit owing to the fact that I had nothing whatsoever to hold up the chest part and no waist). Nor would I put his real name, as it would create privacy problems and I fancy myself not especially evil. As those who know better will notice, not a lot of the names on my blog are real, mostly because I’m too lazy to ask all the people in my life for permission to put their real names on net.


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