Friday, May 25, 2007

Thoughts on the Taiwan vs China problem

I don't usually talk about politics and I'm not going to make it a rule in the future to do so.
Something I learnt in History class today while we were talking about America: melting pot or salad bar.
Over-stressing multi-culturism can only create conflict. The main difference between our countries is that the governments are entirely separate entities. We are not struggling to be independent, we are struggling to throw off a lie. The government of China is working on a concept that "as long as many people say it is so, then it is so." 指鹿為馬,三人成虎.And because of various interest related issues many countries are willing to agree to this lie. This is one of the murkiest, most dishonorable and mal-intentioned hoaxes of the century. Even the Chinese government knows that it is acting in a way that is far from effective materialistically, that's why they delight in pouncing on every little attempt of Taiwan to declare independence from China - it shows that we are insecure about our true position in this matter. We're sucked into a 詭辯 on another person's game rules, this is something we are incapable of winning. What I suggest the ROC government to do is to ignore China's claims and threats and instead focus on building up economy (including equity), culture, welfare and efficiency. This not only will buy us credibility, but allow us more leverage in this issue. We shouldn't waste our time and resources fighting a senseless battle where we know we are right, but by becoming better prove taht we are who we say we are, no buts.
After writing this in my notebook, I came across an article in the newspaper talking about a new party in Taiwan made up of younger politicians espousing this idea - of lightening the issue on independence or not and focusing on the middle to left ground. (sorry I'm such a horrid translator) . Hmm... party to watch.


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