Saturday, January 13, 2007

I want to know kindness...

recommended reads:
Otto and the bird charmers and Otto and the time of the warrior by Charlotte Haptie
The City of Ember and the people of sparks and The Prophet of Yonwood by Jeanne Duprau
works by Madeliene L'Engle
Welcome to the Ark by Stephanie S. Tolan (a bit unrealistic at the end, but basically powerful)
For deeper reading:
His dark materials by Philip Pullman
Lately, seeing as there's people everywhere and one starts to stop valuing life, I have begun to find sleeping endlessly quite attractive. Then I watched 'I am David' and read 'Otto and the bird charmers' and feel again the geniality I had towards my fellow mankind.This made me start to think - perhaps if I had never read great books like the ones I've cited about (and I'm sure there are many more only I've forgotten their titles) I would probably be colder, crueler, harsher, and less happy an individual than I am now. For I've observed my mother and some of my classmates and I find them highly unforgiving for perceived wrongs - a waiter who doesn't smile, for instance, and my mother immediately claims his service is bad and she won't come to this shop again. It's shocking to me that we can so easily point fingers and people, and then I wonder why I feel shock at this display - for certainly I did not learn this form of benevolence from my mother. And I realize that a great deal of it is from reading good books, albeit fiction. So if any of you have kids or are planning on having kids, it's essential that they read good books like the ones that I cited in the above. For the future of of world, let us know kindness.
Disclaimer: I'm not being tacky for being tacky. This cynicism culture is going way out of hand to make me feel guilty about sounding tacky.


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